Wednesday, December 4, 2013

see them as they are

"The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking of how things may be, to see them as they are" - Samuel Johnson

Oh, how I love to travel! The new sights, aromas, languages, people... There is just so much goodness in exploring, learning, experiencing and understanding different ways of life. So much of the way I live my life today is because of the different cultures I've encountered through travel. I have seen what life is like outside of the country in which I grew up and, when I was younger, it caused me to wonder which is the correct way of doing things. Thankfully, along with age came a bit of wisdom and maturity in approaching such questions. There is no right or wrong. We are all unique human beings - so how could there possibly be one language, greeting, lifestyle, or even food? I am so grateful for the little nuances that make each culture unique.

The Eiffel Tower lit up while we
were waiting in line to go up
Whenever I arrive in a new country (for the first, tenth, hundredth time), I can't help but have a giant smile on my face. There is always so much to take in - between the signs, sounds, and smells - that it can be overwhelming. And I let it overwhelm me, but in a good way. I embrace the fact that I'm out on a new adventure, seeing new sights and meeting new people. I'm excited about the chance to practice that language - or even pick up a new one! - and go out and experience the culture through the eyes of a local.

One of the most beautiful things about all of this is that, by putting myself in these foreign places, I get to see daily life from a new perspective. It's much more than just imagining how things are in other countries and cultures; it's experiencing, understanding and knowing them. It is these different views and perspectives that shape my own outlook. I love allowing parts of each culture I've experienced to form part of who I am, how I interact with the world. The traditions, music, customs, food... 

But there is one amazing detail that it evident in all cultures, countries, places and people. One thing that makes us all unique and yet ties us all together.


Life is all about experiencing and knowing love to the fullest. And I'm most often reminded about this while I'm traveling - my eyes falling on new forms of beauty created for me to see, my taste buds overwhelmed with the most delicious combinations of flavors, and my heart and soul being filled with the joy of knowing I am where I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

The journey I began this Fall started with a few days in Paris, France. Here are a few pictures of the lovely sights that city holds:

♥ mk
Best way to get over jet lag:
walk everywhere to see the sights
Sacre Coeur at night
Lunch at Cafe des 2 Moulins

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