Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spain: the need

Did you know that over 50% of Spanish youth are unemployed? (Here's an article from The Guardian that describes the severity of unemployment in Spanish youth.) It's difficult to grasp a number so huge. How can unemployment get so high? And what do the youth do with their "free" time if they aren't working?

It is for reasons such as this that I am particularly drawn to Spain right now. And bonus: I get to put my skills as a Master of International Development to use! I cannot even begin to express how excited I am to be part of this team that will be launching a community development site in a place that so desperately needs it.

As part of this team, one of my main roles in Málaga will be to listen to the needs of those in the community, particularly the (unemployed) youth. It is not my intention to go over there and tell them what is wrong and how to fix it. Rather, I hope to come alongside the individuals in the community and empower them to feel a sense of ownership and take on leadership roles within their neighborhoods

This is not a short-term fix to the current economic problems, but I do believe that the relationships I build with my soon-to-be neighbors in the coming years can lead to a long-term solution.

This will have a ripple effect on the generations to come - in communities throughout Spain, Europe and the world. It starts with the change of one person's heart, perspective and attitude. I believe that the work I'll be a part of next year will have lasting effect. Would you consider partnering with me in transforming lives one community at a time?

I have two weeks until I need to be in Spain and I've still got a ways to go with raising enough funds. Because I am not a resident of Spain and can therefore not have a job, I cannot live there without YOUR SUPPORT. Please consider giving a monthly, quarterly or one-time donation to my fund through CRM. 

Below are what I need to raise:
$1300 each month for 12 months
$4600 one-time expenses
No gift is too big or too small. Every penny counts!

♥ mk

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