Saturday, November 22, 2014

travel: Colorado

"the mountains are calling and I must go" -- John Muir

I just got back from a lovely trip to Colorado, so I thought I'd make my second travel post about my favorite state. :)

Ahh, those Colorado Rockies
(Pike's Peak - Colorado Springs, CO)
This trip was primarily for fundraising and partner development, but it (of course) ended up being so much more than that. Things like this usually are. I had the opportunity to spend time with some friends I hadn't seen in months - and, in some cases, years. So much had happened in that span of time - some had gotten married, had children, moved to a new home, new state even... There's so much that can happen in just a few years!

Hiking with a friend I've known since we were 15

But the most beautiful thing is that most of these friendships picked up right where we left off. And for that I'm beyond thankful. I'm definitely not the best at staying in touch regularly, but I've come to realize that any effort can mean so much. Many of the conversations I had with these friends over the last couple of weeks showed me how founded they are in love. 

Befriending my first roommate's daughter

I've known a few of these friends for nearly half of my life and others just for a handful of years, but I share the same laughter, deep and meaningful conversations, and love for each of them. Yes, it may be easier to jump right back into this when you've known someone for a decade, but it doesn't mean it can't happen with someone you briefly knew while living in the same city.

Visiting a friend I met this year in Spain - in Colorado!

And this has helped me more fully realize what a gift friendships are in this life. 

So, this post may not be about travel, fundraising, or even Colorado... but I hope this can be an encouragement to anyone who reads this to reach out to a friend you haven't seen in a while. Send an email, give a call, write a letter. It could make someone's day. And maybe help you realize the amazing blessing that friendships are.

Christmassy Old Town
(Fort Collins, CO)

♥ mk

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