Wednesday, July 25, 2012

'tis the season

It’s Christmas in July! I can’t believe this month is already almost over – or that I’ve been away almost 5 weeks now! It feels like home here in the Village and it will be sad when the time comes to leave… But we’ve still got a couple of weeks, so I’ll wait until then to let the waterworks begin ;)
(Our team at the Invisible Children office in Gulu)
A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to take a day trip up to Gulu and visit the Invisible Children headquarters and tour one of their projects up there. It was great to hear the work they are doing in country; this office heads up all of the programs that they have going on in country, including some projects for wives of LRA soldiers to have a steady income, an education program, and a community savings account. While my only impression of Gulu had been from the original Invisible Children videos (which were filmed during the height of the rebel attacks), it appears to have improved a lot in recent years. There are so many non-profit organizations in that area that are helping those people rebuild lives and communities that were torn apart because of the LRA. It was a great visit during which I learned a lot, but I was definitely glad to come home to Lira at the end of the day.
This country is full of need, but these people have such a strong desire and drive to succeed, to transform their nation. The children at the Village are so passionate about their schooling that they will study by flashlight; they are overjoyed to learn phonics and go over sight word flashcards with us during their lunch breaks every day. These children are the future of this country, and they are the ones who can make a lasting difference. I am so humbled by their perseverance, constant smiles, and overwhelming love; living with them is such a blessing – something I know that has already changed my heart and will hopefully continue to have an impact on my life.

(Hanging out with the children at the Village during their lunch break)
♥ mk

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