Friday, June 22, 2012

africa is calling!

The day has finally come! I am about to begin the 40-hour journey from my home in San Diego to my summer home in Lira, Uganda. The hours of sleep I've gotten each night have steadily decreased over the last week, so hopefully I can catch some shut-eye on the planes these next couple of days. It's hard to imagine what it will be like when I step off the plane Sunday morning in AFRICA. I don't think there is anything that can fully prepare me for what is to come, what this summer will do to my heart...but I'm as ready as I can be!

I finished my first year of graduate school (!!!) just over a week ago. Needless to say, I'm ready for a break from this lifestyle. But there are people, places, things I'm going to running water and electricity, ha. In all seriousness, though, I'm looking forward to experiencing this new culture as fully as possible, even if that means giving up certain luxuries that are considered normal goods in the US. I'm grateful for having been raised in such a blessed area of the world, but even more grateful for the perspective I've gained from my family, friends, travels, experiences over the years. I am looking forward to seeing the impact of spending the summer loving on orphans and refugee children in the heart of Africa. 

Thank you to everyone who has partnered with me in preparation for this trip - both financially and prayerfully. I can't tell you how much it means to have your support! With your generous donations and some funding from my graduate program, I was able to raise ALL of the funds needed!! We are still continuing to fundraise throughout the summer, with everything going toward the cost of supplies we're taking over for the children, school, and clinic. If you would like to donate but haven't had the chance yet, please feel free to give through one of the following options:
ONLINE: Please go to my StayClassy page and click “DONATE NOW”. You can choose to make your donation anonymous if you do not want your name to appear publicly on my fundraising page. If you choose to do that, please feel free to contact me so I can add your name to my list of supporters.
BY MAIL: Please make checks out to FLOOD (Church); for cash gifts, name and address are required for a tax receipt. These can be sent to my address here:
Mikaela McGee
8849 Gramercy Drive
San Diego, CA 92123

Please keep our team in your thoughts and prayers as we journey 9800 miles to spend the summer in Lira, Uganda. Thank you all for your support! I couldn't do this without each and every one of you!

I'll update this blog as often as possible while I'm in country - hopefully with pictures :)

♥ mk

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